Sugar Free Poison

Other than something that sounds like a cool name for a dog, what is aspartame? Sugar free poison.
I'm serious, which is a rare occurence, believe me. If you see something labled "sugar free" they may as well be saying "deadly, proceed with caution".
Am I exaggerating? Hardly. A lot of countries have prohibited the use of the artificial sweetener. I have no idea why the U.S. has bothered to keep it around.

This ingredient is prominent in diet pop. Which is all around bad news. It's taking pop (chemicals, sugar, and carbonation) and substituting the sugar with evil.
Diet pop drinkers tend to drink it because of things like watching their weight, diabetes, avoiding sugar, or some reason that is not on my nifty little list. But get this: effects of aspartame include gradual weight gain, aspartame addiction, craving for sweets, loss of control of diabetes, and other nasty stuff.
So as you can see, this does more harm than good. A lot more harm.

I encourage you to look this up. I did after hearing about it, and I learned a lot. Is the damage really worth that guilt-free satisfied craving? When you look it up, check out all of the side effects. You'll probably want to write a blog post warning people too.

On a lighter note: I have an awesome fairy coloring book that I am addicted to coloring in. Is it an unhealthy addiction? We'll see! So far it just gives me something to do during the American Idol commercials.

-Aurora B.

1 comment:

  1. I knew there was a reason I hated diet pop so much. Thank you for potentially saving my life. ;)
